Watch some of our video advertising projects featuring ads created for TV as well as social media channels and YouTube campaigns.

Donaghy Bros TV ad Winter 2021

We created this TV advertisement for Donaghy Bros to run on the ITV Hub and UTV during Winter 2021 to promote a showroom event to coincide with Black Friday 2021.

Boeman - Hybrid 6200 Truck Light

These video advertisements were part of a package we created for Boreman to launch their Hybrid 6200 truck light.

They were used as part of a targeted YouTube advertising campaign in the winter of 2021 while an additional square version was also used on other social media channels.

Virtual Factory Tours by BlueSky Video Marketing

We created this video advertisement to use as part of social media and YouTube advertising campaigns to promote the virtual factory tours that we create for our customers in the manufacturing and engineering sectors.

Gavin by Fay's Shoes - Product Launch

This short video ad was created for Gavin Doherty of Eire Designs and Fay’s Shoes to mark the launch if a new dancing shoe in 2021.

Morelli Ice Cream - Summer 2021

We created a series of video ads for Morelli Ice Cream in the Summer of 2021.

This video ad focuses on their 321 product – 3 scoops, 2 toppings, 1 sauce.

There may have been some sampling done during the shot – all in the name of research. Obviously.

Online media training course advertisement

We produced this video ad to promote an online media training course that we developed in partnership with Sarah Travers and Camilla Long at Bespoke Communications.