That’s what we’re all here for right? It’s great when you know you’ve delivered something that’s made a customer really happy – but far too often we miss the marketing opportunity that this gives us.
You know that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you email lands in your inbox confirming that you’ve done a really good job and your customer is delighted with the results.
It’s a great feeling.
But far too often, we don’t make the most of the marketing opportunity that these happy customers present.
Fortunately for us, Kiverco aren’t one of those companies and when they recently delivered a hosuehold waste recycling plant for recycling giants, Remondis they made sure to capitalise on the great relationship and commission a video case study.
This video is the result of that process and features Managing Director of Remondis in the UK, Steve Patterson outlining how they arrived at the decision to use Kiverco for this project and what the experience was like after the decision was made.
The video also features the site Operations Manager, Neil Cook talking about his role in managing the plant installation and the great relationship he had with the Kiverco team throughout the project – including the very important focus on site health and safety.
As far as convinving other potential customers to choose you is concerned there’s very little better than a great video case study.
We’ve made hundreds of these videos so know what questions to ask and what supporting footage is needed in order to deliver you a video that allows you to go and win more orders from those in your sales pipeline.
If you’d like to make the most of the opportunity that your happy customers present – then we’d love to talk to you about your plans.