Project Focus: Thrive.App Case Study with Derry Group

Thrive offer an employee engagement app and we created a number of videos to showcase the work they had done with Derry Group.

Thrive are a subscriber to our Video As A Service product and this project was part of their video marketing strategy for 2021.

Derry Group are a transport company that have employed the Thrive app to help improve employee engagement.

The majority of the Derry Group employees are based out of the office so they requrired a way of communicating more effectively with them.

We filmed on site at Derry Group headuquarters in Portdadown, Northern Ireland for this video as well as spending some time with the Thrive team and their offices in Belfast.

As well as the main case study video asset we also created a library of shorter video assets for use on social media channels as part of their organic and paid promotional activity.


Social Media Shorts