With video content rapidly taking over the web it’s time you thought about how to turn your case study library into video content that means it gets the audience it deserves.
Case Studies are a great way of building trust. establishing credibility and building the belief in your product or service that will result in sales success.
The good news is this is still the case – all that’s changed is the delivery mechanism.
There are all sorts of statistics out there about the extent to which video content is taking over the web – but it’s sufficient at this stage to say that video is how people want to consume our marketing messages now.
So it’s essential that we deliver on this requirement – with the added bonus being that we’re in control of the message rather than relying on the editorial policies of our chosen trade magazines.
Above is an example of a case study video that I’ve recently completed for Machinery Movers magazine and Tesab Engineering.
The video is intended for use on the Machinery Movers website and Youtube channel as they seek to build an online audience to supplement the magazine audience which they have built up over the years.
If you’d like some help with your own video marketing efforts then get in touch.